Meav - The Calling (2013) [Hi-Res 48kHz_24bit FLAC]

Meav - The Calling (2013) [Hi-Res 48kHz_24bit FLAC]

Meav - The Calling (2013) [Hi-Res 48kHz_24bit FLAC]

Meav - The Calling (2013) [Hi-Res 48kHz_24bit FLAC]
被誉为“嗓音美妙至极,唱工无与伦比”的爱尔兰女歌手美芙,是今日欧洲乐坛上当红的天后级发烧女伶,其天使般澄澈纯美的声线几乎无人可及。首张专辑《美芙的祈祷》在欧美及亚洲广受欢迎,美似天籁的歌声让人触骨销魂,而风笛、手摇风琴、竖笛等极具爱尔兰特点的乐器编配,又为听者尽现出爱尔兰高地独特的景致,加上通透辽远的声场和深厚饱满的动态录音,被发烧友一致推为超极品发烧女声大碟! meav曾是大河之舞的主唱。

01-The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face
02-The Calling
03-Light Flight
04-Listen, Listen
05-The Songline To Home
06-Wayfaring Stranger
09-Once You Were My Lover
10-Glimmering Girl
11-Glasgow's Burning


专辑名称:Meav - The Calling (2013) [Hi-Res 48kHz_24bit FLAC]

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