Ben Folds - Live In Perth (2017)[Hi-Res 48kHz_24bit FLAC]

Ben Folds - Live In Perth (2017)[Hi-Res 48kHz_24bit FLAC]

Ben Folds - Live In Perth (2017)[Hi-Res 48kHz_24bit FLAC]

Ben Folds - Live In Perth (2017)[Hi-Res 48kHz_24bit FLAC]
Ben Folds曾是Ben Folds Five的核心人物,Ben Folds在Ben Folds Five的创作时期便展现身为钢琴手对流行旋律的掌控能力,单飞之后,Ben Folds似乎逐渐收敛摇滚叛逆的因子,朝向更为成熟内省的创作风格。这张新专辑可以听出这股明显的音乐取向。几乎那些可以拿来单曲的歌曲例如”Landed”、”Trusted”、”Late”、”Give Judy My Notice”都有着漂亮的旋律,与四平八稳的编曲,当然他还依然保有那手明亮激昂的钢琴旋律。”Give Judy My Notice”明晃晃如湖面泛光的Pedal Steel音色,与轻快的钢琴旋律合奏出一段恋人分手的告白。向去年自杀身亡的美国民谣摇滚歌手Elliot Smith致敬的”Late”这首歌,隐隐约约的吉他刷弹声像是Elliot的回音,Ben Folds抑郁的歌声娓娓道出他对Elliot Smith之死的惋惜。至于首支单曲”Landed”鲜明的歌词意象与流畅的旋律绝对是他的经典之作。

01. Zak and Sara
02. Smoke
03. Fred Jones, Pt. 2
04. Gracie
05. All U Can Eat
06. Steven's Last Night in Town
07. Boxing
08. Annie Waits
09. Brick
10. Evaporated
11. Intro to Not the Same
12. Not the Same
13. The Ascent of Stan
14. Lullabye
15. Narcolepsy
16. Rock This Bitch
17. The Luckiest


专辑名称:Ben Folds - Live In Perth (2017)[Hi-Res 48kHz_24bit FLAC]