林笛 - 棉草纪[2013]+深水迷宫EP+野蜂飞舞EP_mp3bst.com

多曲循环 [audio:https://mp3bst.com/xm.php?u=1772047788?spm=a1z1s.mp3,https://mp3bst.com/xm.php?u=1772046603?spm=a1z1s.mp3]
1.旱木 Dry Wood
2.裂帛 Torn Silks
3.金石女 The Bronze Girl
4.飞尘逐鹿 Hunting
5.嬉戏 Playing
6.圈耕 The Cycle of Tillage
7.血祭 The Sacrifice
8.求欢 Courting
9.陶彩 The Color of Pottery
10.盘地 Territorism
11.捣米 Pounding Rice
13.野蜂飞舞 (琵琶演奏) 

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