Paloma Faith - The Glorification of Sadness (2024)[FLAC]

Paloma Faith - The Glorification of Sadness (2024)[FLAC]

Paloma Faith - The Glorification of Sadness (2024)[FLAC]

Paloma Faith - The Glorification of Sadness (2024)[FLAC]
帕洛玛费丝原名Paloma Faith Blomfield,Paloma是一位来自英国的演员和歌手的双栖艺人。Paloma曾担任过杂技节目演员和在夜总会里担任魔术师的助手等。Paloma第一次出现在荧幕上的是客串BBC连续剧Mayo里面的一个小角色,Paloma通过她成年后的生活将不同的艺术形式融于自身。Paloma在几年前开始尝试唱歌,最先开始模仿自己欣赏的蓝调和灵魂音乐歌手,最终在09年推出了风靡英国的个人首张专辑 - 《Do You Want the Truth or Something Beautiful?》而Paloma也在近日透露到会在今年5月推出个人第二张专辑Fall to Grace。

01. Sweatpants
02. Pressure
03. God in a Dress
04. How You Leave A Man
05. There's Nothing More Human Than Failure
06. Bad Woman
07. Cry on the Dance Floor
08. Say My Name
09. Let it Ride
10. The Big Bang Ending
11. Eat Shit and Die
12. Divorce
13. Hate When You're Happy
14. Enjoy Yourself
15. I am Enough
16. Mirror to Mirror
17. Already Broken


专辑名称:Paloma Faith - The Glorification of Sadness (2024)[FLAC]