The Piano Guys钢琴伙计_-_《The_Piano_Guys_2》2013[24bit_44.1khz_FLAC无损]

The Piano Guys钢琴伙计_-_《The_Piano_Guys_2》2013[24bit_44.1khz_FLAC无损]

The Piano Guys钢琴伙计_-_《The_Piano_Guys_2》2013[24bit_44.1khz_FLAC无损]

The Piano Guys钢琴伙计_-_《The_Piano_Guys_2》2013[24bit_44.1khz_FLAC无损]
专辑名称: The Piano Guys 2
艺 术 家: The Piano Guys
音乐风格: New Age / Piano / Cello
发行时间: 2013
Paul Anderson 本是一家琴行老闆﹐一天 Jon Schmidt 因為需要預備演出﹐跑到店來﹐請求在他的琴行練琴。未幾﹐Paul 與 Tel Stewart 為求好玩﹐就一起為 Jon 拍攝Video﹐之後大提琴手 Steven Sharp Nelson 和錄音師 Al van der Beek 紛紛加入﹐一起製作音樂﹐把古典與流行曲結合﹐配上專業的拍攝﹐於是就把這些好玩的 Video 上載到 Youtube。想不到﹐這些Video 深受歡迎﹐好幾個都超過1200萬人次的點閱率﹐整個The Piano Guys的音樂頻道更超過120萬人訂閱。2011年底﹐他們自資推出首張專輯“YouTube Hits Vol. 1”﹐9個月之後為 Sony Music相中﹐相邀簽約﹐繼而在2012年10月推出第2張專輯“The Piano Guys”。
01. The Piano Guys - Begin Again (4:08)
02. The Piano Guys - Rockelbel's Canon (Pachelbel Canon In D) (3:49)
03. The Piano Guys - Mission Impossible (3:45)
04. The Piano Guys - Lord Of The Rings (5:38)
05. The Piano Guys - Berlin (4:01)
06. The Piano Guys - All Of Me (3:04)
07. The Piano Guys - Just The Way You Are (4:22)
08. The Piano Guys - Nearer My God To Thee (3:02)
09. The Piano Guys - Waterfall (3:02)
10. The Piano Guys - Charlie Brown Medley (3:03)
11. The Piano Guys - Me And My Cello (Happy Together) (3:06)
12. The Piano Guys - Twinkle Lullaby (1:51)
The Piano Guys钢琴伙计 - 《The Piano Guys 2》2013[24bit_44.1khz FLAC].rar


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