欧美群星-《The Music Of Shanghai Disneyland》上海迪士尼乐园专用音乐[FLAC]

欧美群星-《The Music Of Shanghai Disneyland》上海迪士尼乐园专用音乐[FLAC]

【The Music of Shanghai Disneyland 乐动上海迪士尼】是迪士尼公司专门为2016年6月16日开幕的中国上海迪士尼乐园所特别定制的园区专用音乐。该专辑在中国独家上市发行。

豪华收录16首经典迪士尼动画音乐,包括《美女与野兽》“Beauty and the Beast”,《冰雪奇缘》“For the First Time in Forever”,《匹诺曹》“I've Got No Strings”,《欢乐满人间》“Chim Chim Cher-ee”,《彼得潘》“You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly!”和《玩具总动员》“You've Got a Friend in Me”等耳熟能详的经典旋律。这些音乐届时将用于乐园的米奇大街、奇想花园、奇幻童话城堡、梦幻世界、宝藏湾、探险岛、明日世界以及上海迪士尼乐园酒店等区域,让乐迷全方位地感受和收藏来自于上海迪士尼乐园的专属记忆。

01 - Be Our Guest (Shanghai Disneyland Version) (《美女与野兽》电影插曲)
02 - Let's Go Fly a Kite (Shanghai Disneyland Version) (《欢乐满人间》电影插曲)
03 - Carnival of the Animals (Shanghai Disneyland Version)
04 - So This Is Love Waltz (Shanghai Disneyland Version)
05 - I've Got No Strings (Shanghai Disneyland Version) (《木偶奇遇记》电影插曲)
06 - Something There (Shanghai Disneyland Version) (《美女与野兽》电影插曲)
07 - Chim Chim Cher-ee (Shanghai Disneyland Version) (《欢乐满人间》电影插曲)
08 - I've Got a Dream (Shanghai Disneyland Version) (《魔发奇缘》电影插曲)
09 - Almost There (Shanghai Disneyland Version) (《公主和青蛙》电影插曲)
10 - Treasure Cove Medley (Shanghai Disneyland Version)
11 - Adventure Isle Medley (Shanghai Disneyland Version)
12 - Volcanoes (Shanghai Disneyland Version)
13 - For the First Time in Forever (Shanghai Disneyland Version) (《冰雪奇缘》电影插曲)
14 - You Can Fly! You Can Fly! You Can Fly! (Shanghai Disneyland Version) (《小飞侠》电影插曲)
15 - Beauty and the Beast (Shanghai Disneyland Version) (《美女与野兽》电影主题曲)
16 - You've Got a Friend in Me (Shanghai Disneyland Version) (《玩具总动员2》电影插曲)


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