

电台情歌用舒缓、宁静、空灵、浪漫的旋律,将二人世界情侣间甜美温馨的画面呈现在你的眼前,唤醒甜蜜、抚慰创伤,静心凝思、往昔重视。歌声响起,如烟往事穿越时空,穿越身边的声嚣光影、车水马龙,为我们筑起一道屏风,牵手的日子,恋人的微笑…… 《电台情歌》——骚动你心灵深处的动人情歌。

01 If Miss You Everyday(思念你的每一天)- Steewan
02 The Love Scene(爱情场景)- Joe
03 Beat it(逃走)- Lizette Groove Da Praia
04 Just Came Here To Chill(来这里变冷)- The Everly Brothers
05 Superwoman(女超人)- Paulini
06 What if(要是…又怎样)- Creed
07 I Love You(我爱你)- Stewart Mac
08 Stand(站立)- Jewel
09 The Climb(攀登)- J Rice
10 Brave(勇敢)- Jennifer Lopex
11 Too Serious Too Soon(太认真太心急)- Lydia
12 Hotel California(加州旅馆)- Lydia
13 Carless Wishpers(无心快语)- Tamia
14 It"s Your Love(那就是你的爱)- Tim McGraw
15 Without You(失去你)- Kyla
16 Loving You Still(仍爱着你)- Tamia
17 Too Hua(童话)- Fairytale
18 Still In Love With You(仍然爱上你)- No angels





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