B.o.B - Psycadelik Thoughtz

B.o.B - Psycadelik Thoughtz
小鲍比·雷·西蒙斯(英语:Bobby Ray Simmons, Jr.),生于1988年11月15日,以其艺名B.o.B而广为人知,是美国的音乐家及音乐制作人。他目前是Grand Hustle唱片公司和大西洋唱片旗下的签约艺人。他的艺名最初来自OutKast组合的歌曲“B.O.B.”(“Bombs over Baghdad”的缩写,意为巴格达上空的炸弹)。B.o.B已经在国际上获得了巨大成功,最初的两支单曲“Nothin' on You”和“Airplanes”都登上了英国排行榜头名,同时“Nothin' on You”也在美国摘得桂冠。两支单曲均收录于他的首张专辑《B.o.B Presents: The Adventures of Bobby Ra》,该专辑目前位列2010年最畅销的六张嘻哈专辑之一。
B.o.B has announced that he'll release a brand new project on August 14, 2015. "Psycadelik Thoughtz" was originally rumored to be the title of his fourth studio album, but in the official announcement, B.o.B clarified that this is a project he's releasing before his next album. Bobby Ray has teased that this project would be more different than most of his work to date.
1.Psycadelik Thoughtz
4.Back and Forth
5.Plain Jane
7.Violet Vibrato
10.Love Life - B.o.B;Sevyn Streeter
11.Have Nots

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