Jack Johnson - From Here To Now To You(2013)_mp3bst.com

杰克和乐队刚刚完成了新砖——《From Here to Now to You》的录制, 并将在今年9月17号与大家见面~~在杰克位于夏威夷的芒果树录音室中完成录制的这张专辑,代表着与《In Between Dreams》专辑制作人Mario Caldato, Jr.的重聚。它将成为杰克自2010年《To The Sea》专辑后的一系列全新创作歌曲。
I Got You
Washing Dishes
Shot Reverse Shot
Never Fade
Tape Deck
Don't Believe A Thing I Say
As I Was Saying
You Remind Me Of You
Ones And Zeros
[audio:https://mp3bst.com/bd.php?u=1iPVWA.mp3|titles=I Got You|artists=Jack Johnson]
[audio:https://mp3bst.com/bd.php?u=188yhK.mp3|titles=Washing Dishes|artists=Jack Johnson]

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